The Lung Brothers

Hanging out at the extreme end of the long tail ...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


As a mid-life crisis project, I’ve decided to get with the young crowd and invent some new hip techno-terms to be easily used in their everyday environment. Here are a few ideas:

TEXTICLE: a short text message.

WEBOLA: Something that has gone seriously fucking viral.

NECROTICON: An emoji that you send to people at funerals to show them how sad-faced and sorry you are for their loss.

DABBLET: A small, slim, touch-screen computer that you just play around with but never actually learn how to use properly.

BIOPSELFIE: Taking a photograph of yourself performing surgery and posing it online.

TENDING: Almost trending…but not quite there yet.

FEXTING: Exchanging written messages with a profane Irishman.

PHISH MOB: A semi-spontaneous gathering of Nigerian conmen in a random public place.

CROWDFORCING: Cyberbullying the general public into giving you their opinion.

ONANETIQUETTE: A code of cordial and decent behavior when using online porn.  

SLOG: A blog that has become too much trouble to maintain. (Ehem!)


Anonymous tiago paulo barcelos porto said...

muito bom este artigo, aguardo mais artigo.

7:18 pm  

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